
The CTS Occupational Health and Safety Policy applies to all work-related activities undertaken at regional offices and laboratories and on transient work sites.

Policy Implementation

CTS’s commitment to this Policy is considered as fundamental to its business success and this Policy must be implemented by all CTS operations and businesses nationwide. The Company has systems of training, monitoring, and accountability in place in order to reinforce the implementation of this Policy.
This Policy applies to:

  • All CTS directors, officers, and employees.
  • All CTS operations, including all legal entities and business area units, and to CTS joint ventures over which CTS is able to exercise control over policies and procedures; and
  • Any other person or entity to the extent that they act on behalf of the CTS in any way, including consultants, contractors, suppliers, agents, or intermediaries.

CTS recognises the social and economic importance of protecting the health and safety of those affected by its operations and is committed to leading by example in promoting suitable and sufficient working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health in all its operations. 

The Managing Director recognises and accepts responsibility to provide a safe and healthy working environment and to prevent injury and ill health for all employees and any other persons who may be affected by the conduct of our operations. 

By signing this Occupational Health and Safety Policy, the Managing Director gives approval to the occupational health and safety management systems, supporting assessments and procedures.

Health and Safety Objectives and Principles

The objectives and principles of the Occupational Health and Safety Policy are:

  • To establish and maintain occupational health and safety management systems which satisfies the requirements of ISO 45001:2018, all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, industry best practice and any other client specific requirements.
  • To identify hazards and eliminate or reduce risk as far as is reasonably practicable, to maintain workplaces that are safe and without health risks, including means of access and egress, with adequate facilities and arrangements for employees' welfare.
  • To provide information about health and safety hazards and risks and maintain safe systems of work for employees.
  • To provide and maintain plant and equipment and operational controls that prevent injury and ill health.
  • To ensure safety and absence of health risks in connection with the use, handling and storage of materials and substances.
  • To consult with employees on issues relating to occupational health and safety.
  • To promote and encourage a positive health and safety culture throughout the organisation through the provision of information, training, instruction, and supervision to enable employees to avoid hazards and to contribute positively to the health and safety of themselves and others whilst at work.
  • To establish effective arrangements to communicate the occupational health and safety management systems to the attention of employees so that they are aware of and understand their obligations under the Health and Safety at Work Act.
  • To seek the support and co-operation of employees with respect to occupational health and safety.
  • To operate an open culture whereby employees are openly encouraged to report hazards, including near misses, without fear of reprisal to ensure the root causes of accidents are identified thus enabling measures to be put in place to eliminate recurrence.
  • To ensure sufficient financial and physical resources are available to meet the objectives of the occupational health and safety management system, as all applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
  • To ensure occupational health and safety objectives are set, monitored, and reviewed at regular intervals.
  • To maintain continual improvement of occupational health and safety management and performance by regularly monitoring and reviewing the occupational health and safety management system to ensure its effectiveness.
  • To maintain records as objective evidence to show compliance with occupational health and safety management system.


The Managing Director has the overall responsibility for the occupational Health and Safety Policy and occupational health and safety management system and encouraging commitment by personnel at all levels of the company.

Management Representatives identified within the health and safety procedures are responsible for the formulation, development, co-ordination, implementation, and monitoring of the policy throughout the organisation.

Senior management are expected to demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to the health and safety management system by:

  • Taking accountability for the effectiveness of the health and safety management system
  • Ensuring that the Health and Safety Policy and health and safety objectives are established and are compatible with the strategic direction and the context of the organisation
  • Ensuring the integration of health and safety management system requirements into the organisations business processes
  • Ensuring that the resources needed for effective health and safety management are available
  • Communicating the importance of effective health and safety management and of conforming to the health and safety management system requirements
  • Ensuring that the health and safety management system achieves its intended outcomes.
  • Directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectiveness of the health and safety management system
  • Promotion of continual improvement
  • Supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility

All employees, contractors, and visitors and responsible for the success of the policy implementation by being aware of their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act and other relevant health and safety regulations

Communication and Review

The Occupational Health and Safety Policy is communicated to all employees, contractors and visitors.

A copy is displayed on employee notice boards at each regional office and laboratory, published on the internal company SharePoint and made available in the company's HR management systems.
All employees are required to be aware of the content and communicate any queries to their line manager.

Copies shall be made available to interested parties on request and a copy is published on the company website.

This Occupational Health and Safety Policy is evaluated as part of the overall annual review of the occupational health and safety management system to ensure its stated objectives are met.

Authorised By;

Matthew Johanson
Managing Director (CTS)
20th December 2024