CTS is committed to operating in a socially and environmentally responsible manner throughout its operations and to continue to improve its performance throughout all of its businesses, operational activities, and facilities.
Utilising the skills of geotechnical and environmental departments and businesses CTS contributes in a practical way towards sustainable development.
The sustainability policy is approved by the Managing Director, and it is supported by other policies such as the Occupational Health and Safety Policy, Environmental Management Policy, Equal Opportunities Policy, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy and the Quality Management Policy.
Policy Implementation
CTS’s commitment to this Policy is considered as fundamental to its business success and this Policy must be implemented by all CTS’s operations and businesses nationwide. The Company has systems of training, monitoring, and accountability in place in order to reinforce the implementation of this Policy.
This Policy applies to:
- All CTS directors, officers, and employees.
- All CTS operations, including all legal entities and business area units, and to CTS joint ventures over which CTS is able to exercise control over policies and procedures; and
- Any other person or entity to the extent that they act on behalf of CTS in any way, including consultants, contractors, suppliers, agents, or intermediaries.
Sustainability Objectives and Principles
As a responsible company we will:
- Comply with all relevant legislation.
- Adopt sound business ethics to provide a high-quality service efficiently and profitably.
- Maintain our internal quality, environmental and health and safety management systems
- Work towards reducing our carbon footprint and we want to impact climate change positively.
- Set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for environmental, social and employment issues against which we can measure progress
- Engage with our peer group through membership of appropriate organisations.
- Review our supply chain with regards to sustainability
As a trusted employer we will
- Minimise the risk of accidents and work-related ill health for our employees and proactively seek to improve performance.
- Employ a diverse workforce and ensure all personnel are treated equally.
- Continue to provide statutory and career development training to our staff to enable them to fulfil their potential
- Seek to promote sustainability within our workforce through regular and varied communication on the issues involved and encourage dialogue within the employee forum.
As a contractor we will:
- Identify sustainability issues or opportunities for improvement, at an early stage and seek to collaborate with the client to improve sustainability credentials for the project.
- As appropriate, demonstrate sustainability benefits during the tender process and continue to influence sustainability issues during the various processes.
- Minimise the use of energy, materials, and water.
- Avoid adverse impacts on land, air and water and minimise waste generation.
As part of the community, we will:
- Wherever appropriate, employ from the local area.
- Be a considerate neighbour during site operations by minimising the environmental impacts on the site.
The Managing Director has the overall responsibility for the Sustainability Policy and encouraging commitment by personnel at all levels of the organisation.
Management Representatives are responsible for the formulation, development, co-ordination, implementation, and monitoring of the policy throughout the organisation.
Senior management are expected to demonstrate leadership and commitment with respect to Sustainability by:
- Taking accountability for promoting, developing and implementing sustainability initiatives where possible
- Ensuring that sustainability objectives are established and are compatible with the strategic direction and the context of the organisation
- Ensuring the integration of sustainability requirements into the organisations business processes
- Ensuring that the Sustainability Policy achieves its intended outcomes
- Directing and supporting persons to contribute to the effectives of the sustainability objectives
- Promotion of continual improvement
- Supporting other relevant management roles to demonstrate their leadership as it applies to their areas of responsibility
All employees, contractors and visitors and responsible for the success of the policy implementation by being aware of their responsibilities for sustainable development and cooperating with any company initiatives as implemented.
Communication and Review
The Sustainability Policy is communicated to all employees, contractors and visitors.
A copy is displayed on employee notice boards at each regional office and laboratory, published on the internal company SharePoint and made available in the company's HR management systems.
All employees are required to be aware of the content and communicate any queries to their line manager.
Copies shall be made available to interested parties on request and a copy is published on the company website.
This Sustainability Policy is evaluated as part of the overall annual review of the Company to ensure its stated objectives are met.
Authorised By;
Matthew Johanson
Managing Director (CTS)
20th December 2024